Small rant incomming. I just went to look at applying to Walmart, and when going to make an account their password requirements were 8-11 characters. What kinda nonsense is that? Some terribly made backend I’d assume. It’s bad enough I gotta make a million accounts when applying to jobs but then you got my PII sitting behind such terrible password requirements it makes me wonder where else they are cutting corners on security.

    3 months ago

    I’ve once had a password that was over 200 characters long. That was in a custom email server where the admin either didn’t know or care about limitations. I mean, if you can have a super long password, then why not. I just kept on going until I felt like it was secure enough.

    I used a randomly generated character soup, so there’s no way I’m ever going to memorize that nightmare of a password. Even if I print it on paper and hand to you, there’s a pretty good chance that you wouldn’t be able to type it correctly without restoring to OCR.