I only have a technician license at the moment but wanted to try some longer range stuff so I got an HF radio. I’m extremely new to the hobby so I have little idea what I’m doing lol.

Xiegu G90 HF radio Astron power supply EFHW antenna strung around the outside of the house like Christmas lights

  • 667@lemmy.radio
    3 months ago

    Amateur HF radios typically transmit and receive from 1-50MHz, on various modulation modes (as OP mentioned). If you’d like to get a preview, check out the Utah WebSDR: http://websdr2.sdrutah.org:8902/index1a.html?tune=14290usb

    I’ve linked you to the 20 meter band, which is pretty active 24/7. When it’s nighttime in the US, you can listen to Amateurs making international contacts. See some of my other posts in my history to get a visual on range.