I’d learned about this last week, and this stuff is a bunch of Wikipedia searches so forgive me if I miss anything :]

Similar to git master and whitelist/blacklist having addressed racist origins, I’ve just learned that “ricing” – i.e. way-far-from-default, colorfully souped-up *nix customizations – came from a derogatory word for Asian “riced out” cars.

(click to enlarge spot where I came to learn about this)

Example in the lemmy.ml/c/linux community.

The linked Wikipedia article doesn’t list *nix ricing specifically, but it’s probably not a far reach – for example, tech’s master-slave came from cars too.

Now I’m not here to start a debate on whether the term itself is bad. The arguments are done to death and predictable (old threadhope I can link here). Rather, I posit that we could probably invent a new term if we forced it hard enough.

For example, 4chan forcibly invented the use of the ok hand for “white power”, as a collective prank (Wikipedia).

Further, Tumblr invented 'then beg' as an insult response to 'I beg your pardon/to differ'. (click to enlarge)

Based on Pukicho.

So why can’t Lemmy invent something too?

Here are some earlier takes. (click to enlarge for source, but they are listed below anyway)

I surmise it has to be (1) somewhat unique and (2) short and nounable/verbable.

  • Customization doesn’t fit – it’s too broad. Changing the wallpaper is a customization – diagonalizing your screen is a rice (term to be replaced…).
  • Bespoke doesn’t fit either. That’s for a duct-tape script you hack together.
  • Pimping out… is not a good alternative. It preexists(citation needed?) and has inertia but it’s not any better.
  • Souping up… doesn’t roll off the tongue so much. But it’s food-related (and thus not far from “rice”). Though I can’t see myself saying “Yo, check out this epic soup.”

Brainstorming welcome :P

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    not exactly how I phrased it

    Yeah, no shit buddy, and your “gist” can be pretty forcibly rejected by reading these, which use some form of the term without defending it: https://hexbear.net/comment/5821220 https://hexbear.net/comment/5819913 https://hexbear.net/comment/5821145 https://hexbear.net/comment/5819994

    Citation needed, as they say. I only saw car bodies being modded.
    body modifications. […] I only saw car bodies being modded.
    body modifications. […] bodies being modded.

    Bold of you to assume I have smth against groups of ppl based on their race

    So it’s not that you have anything against asian people, you just think it’s ok to use a term that origtinated in saying japanese people eat so much rice they even run their cars on it. Uh huh. Would you defend the N-word on the basis that it’s a commonly used word and you don’t understand why it’s so bad?

    just an assumption you’re from the US

    Extremely unsafe assumption, but newsflash - your ancestors don’t need to be the specific ones who invented a racism for it to be racist to act like them. If you copy someone else’s racism you are still the one being racist. You’ve been told multiple times by multiple people that the term is racist, but you’re arguing it’s not racist because you don’t know how it’s racist. Have you maybe considered you’re just not very smart and need to study racism a bit more? Maybe learn what this whole “microaggression” thing people keep talking about it?

    • fl42v@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      eat so much rice they even run their cars on it

      So what exactly? It’s just a stereotype. A stereotypical Russian (that’s where I’m from) would be a gopnik babooshka in abibas riding a bear while playing a balalayka and drinking vodka… And guess what? We find it funny. Well, maybe except babooshkas: many find it weird you stress the “oo” syllable instead of the 1st ‘a’. It’d be the same with black guys and rap music or Texans and guns.

      would you defend the n-word

      If it originated as a stereotype, stopped being used offensively several decades ago, and was then repurposed into being a praise of sorts.

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]@hexbear.net
        2 months ago

        It’s just a stereotype.

        I need you to be honest - do you not know what stereotypes are, or do you not know what racism is? Stereotyping is one of the conceptual parts of racism, so saying it’s not racist because it’s a stereotype is like saying pizza isn’t Italian because it’s from Naples.

        stopped being used offensively several decades ago, and was then repurposed into being a praise of sorts.

        Could you give me sources for when this happened for “ricing” and “ricer”? Because there are a lot of people in this thread telling you that it’s still offensive, and I’m pretty sure they know a little bit more than you about racism.