“Threads is deepening its ties to the fediverse, also known as the open social web, which powers services like X alternative Mastodon, Pixelfed, PeerTube, Flipboard and other apps. On Wednesday, Meta announced that users on Threads will be able to see fediverse replies on other posts besides their own. In addition, posts that originated through the Threads API, like those created via third-party apps and scheduling services, will now be syndicated to the fediverse. The latter had previously been announced via an in-app message informing users that API posts would be shared to the fediverse starting on August 28.”

  • just another dev@lemmy.my-box.dev
    5 months ago

    So… Instances like lemmy.world, that this is posted to?

    yes, I’m federated with them as well, but shit like this is why I dislike them being so big. In the end all the smaller instances can either have strong morals and integrity, or have access to the largest amount of content in the fediverse, but not both.

    • magiccupcake@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Ehh mastodon and lemmy don’t see a ton of cross talk. Threads is mainly going to affect mastodon instances.