can you define “machine”? if it’s a desktop: have you thought about an additional hdd/ssd? all the pros of dual booting, without the cons: you can simply unplug the windows drive if you install linux.
but still do a backup!
can you define “machine”? if it’s a desktop: have you thought about an additional hdd/ssd? all the pros of dual booting, without the cons: you can simply unplug the windows drive if you install linux.
but still do a backup!
there was a thread some time ago: stood out to me as a platform to host the images.
do you want to build a photo-rig for your bike? do you already have a 360° camera?
thanks for the insight, much appreciated!
thanks for your answer. that’s what i feared, but its good to be sure!
thanks for your comment and recommendation.
any sane people would same the same about a map covering the whole world, and yet there is openstreetmap.
yes there are many challenges, but if you start small and grow from there it could work and maybe span a town or two in a couple of years…
i think you mix two concepts here:
the first is basically that you can post to multiple communities at once (community = tag)
the second is that users can assign tags/communities to existing posts, and vote for them
i like both and already thought about the first one, but not the second one… I first thought it might be a problem that if you add a community/tag to an existing post it will be immediately visible on said community/tag, but if this is a problem for said community, someone could down-vote there and it would vanish. but then you would need two up votes: one for community fit, and one for the post itself. could be a problem, if you post one link to a very popular community and a very small one, then the post would get many upvotes and be on the top of the small one…
no gui, but still super simple and enough for local testing:
cd folder/you/want/to/serve/from
python -m http.server -b
open browser surf to