Arch on both machines. Excellent implementation of both Plasma and apps, by the way, for anybody who is looking for a solid KDE-enabled distro.
a. It is not ugly, how dare you
b. it is what machines looked like in the 80s and 90s, and it is that retro look the maker is going for
Get out of here!
(Edit: Yes, of course. It’s Linux.)
Yes, it’s a touchscreen.
“them” is “one and half people” (per their “about”). Give them some time… Or, you know, pitch in.
KDE is not funded by any EU entity. Some project developers applied for small grants. Some got them, but these are individuals that happen to develop projects within KDE and the funds went to them.
Either way, there is something wrong and you should try and help solve it by reporting it.
You may want to take this to KDE’s Discuss forum.
We phased out “KDE” as an acronym years ago.
¿Puedes mostrarnos vuestro proyecto y explicar un poquito cómo lo hacéis?
You must have heard that old chestnut about how “the weakest security link in the security chain is the user” by now. There is nothing any technology can do if the user decides to install insecure stuff. Even before today, the KDE Store prominently displayed warnings about being careful with the content.
“una lengua”, pero, sí, totalmente de acuerdo.
Vincent Vega