As a (Plasma based) Kubuntu user I was wondering as well. Looks like they tried to emulate the gnome look and feel in the picture. In Kubuntu the default taskbar is at the bottom and the floating application bar doesn’t exist
As a (Plasma based) Kubuntu user I was wondering as well. Looks like they tried to emulate the gnome look and feel in the picture. In Kubuntu the default taskbar is at the bottom and the floating application bar doesn’t exist
The hurdle is that Europe tends to adopt things that are successful in the US, because it is convenient. Even most services and startups based in Europe are more or less copies of US products, with some notable exceptions of highly specialised applications. This unfortunate trend started in the 1970s, when the largest industrial players in Europe thought semiconductors were just a fad and consequently lost their competitive edge. It was seen as less risky to invest in commercially proven concepts than to actually innovate. This continues to bite us in the ass to this day.
Fascinating. I was just wondering if anyone could actually like snap and I personally knew no one until now.
FWIW I’m a long time Kubuntu user and I like it very much. But the snap experience has me on the brink of switching to a different distro.
VLC always had a ton of applications, network device playback, TV, streaming server, files, physical media, music player, effects, recording, AV format conversion, subtitles, plugins and so on.
Some NT net utilities even had BSD info in their binaries.
I don’t like how people are trying to stir up dissent and drama around this. The message posted is short and on point, it includes all the important bits. There really isn’t much more to add.