It’s also just markdown text files, saved locally (but syncronizable to cloud/webdav etc…). So in short, yeah you can move things back and forth between joplin and obsidian, or one of many many markdown editors.
It’s also just markdown text files, saved locally (but syncronizable to cloud/webdav etc…). So in short, yeah you can move things back and forth between joplin and obsidian, or one of many many markdown editors.
I mean that’s mainly it… it’s amazing at clearing adds off of news articles general viewing pages like blogs etc… but yes as you said, it’s not particularly great for things like youtube/spotify etc… things that deliver the ads through the same source as the main content.
Not a bad list, one thing I would say though, for self hosting, vaultwarden is a far more ideal server than bitwarden (same clients work, but faster and all features are unlocked).
Hate to say it, but I cannot find an alternate front end to it. There might be one, but documentation on it is pretty scarce, every tutorial I’ve ever seen has just told how to let nextcloud use it.
well worth noting if you do have it set to say syncronize (mine goes to nextcloud but the app has options for file system, dropbox, onedrive, webdav). The syncronized version will be all plain text .md files in markdown language. simple enough to point something else to that directory.