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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Most people aren’t ready to accept the message of privacy importance. I would say that’s the vast majority actually. Many in my family throw all sorts of personal information into “online contests and signups”.

    Privacy now is like climate change was 20 years ago…incredibly important, but hasn’t come to the forefront for most people, governments, etc. Say your message politely and only when welcomed, and otherwise leave people to make their decisions.

    If you’re actually interested in changing people’s minds, it is an incredibly difficult and complex process, but you can start learning about it. Here’s an author whose podcast I follow and he’s doing really good work on the subject:


    A lot of other comments talk about hitting him with some bullshit " gatcha" or some variation of scolding…which is all bullshit and counterproductive.

  • I know it has the ability to, but I don’t recommend it. I’ve recently commented on this so I’ll paste it here:

    DO NOT dual boot as a beginner. I did this when I started and would screw up something with the bootloader and be unable to boot one of the OSs (data can still be copied off, but installed app data isn’t easily recovered). Being a noob at the time, I even accidentally wiped the wrong drive during a distro hop.

    For a beginner I would recommend you remove your Windows SSD and keep it safe in a drawer. Or clone the drive first. Then you can mess around all you want while keeping your original SSD safe.if the data and OS/app installs are valuable then don’t fuck around learning a new system with the drive in situ. Certainly don’t try to learn to partition and dual boot off the same drive. The noob risk is just too high.


  • DO NOT dual boot as a beginner. I did this when I started and would screw up something with the bootloader and be unable to boot one of the OSs (data can still be copied off, but installed app data isn’t easily recovered). Being a noob at the time, I even accidentally wiped the wrong drive during a distro hop.

    For a beginner I would recommend you remove your Windows SSD and keep it safe in a drawer. Or clone the drive first. Then you can mess around all you want while keeping your original SSD safe.if the data and OS/app installs are valuable then don’t fuck around learning a new system with the drive in situ. Certainly don’t try to learn to partition and dual boot off the same drive. The noob risk is just too high.

  • I used eBay so I could get a refund if the laptop wasn’t as advertised. I spent weeks looking at new listings looking for a good deal. I eventually found an amazing deal from a hospice that was selling excess stock. I’ve worked in a hospice before and know this would have only ever been used sparingly in an office and be very well looked after.

    On eBay I would avoid anyone who hasn’t written out a complete description and detailed pictures of condition and specifics. Like the other comment says, the BIOS being unlocked is very important. Read descriptions carefully. People fall victim to buying expensive things that can’t be returned because it was mentioned in the listing (e.g. buying a box only for a very expensive price). For any laptop I find, I search for forum posts from other users about how that model works with Linux and videos for a teardown to make sure that RAM, WiFi module, etc can be upgraded. Make sure the charger is included.

    Search eBay for “8th Gen 13 inch 16GB”, then sort by lowest price for buy-it-now. That’s what I did for a number of weeks. Got one for myself and a great one for my dad as well. Good experience both times.

  • I’ve just been through the process you’ve described and bought a laptop. Your budget is way overkill for your use (documents, browsing, video watching).

    I recently bought myself a “like new” second hand Dell Latitude (5300, I think), 8th gen i7, 16GB Ram for £150 and it is amazing with OpenSUSE.

    I got my wife a new HP Aero 13 (Ryzen) a couple of years ago and even that was £580 brand new and has been great.

    Consider the secondhand market. A lot of laptops will meet your criteria.

  • Everything seems critical when you haven’t tried living without. Meat eaters can’t comprehend living without meat. Car drivers can’t imagine living without cars.

    I wondered how people pass their time without phones. Then my autistic son started demanding holding onto my phone for every waking minute he is not at school. Now I spend my day without the phone.

    Now that YouTube has stopped working on NewPipe, I’ve stopped watching it…and it felt a bit uncomfortable to miss my videos before bed, but now it’s not a big deal. None of these things are critical. There’s a near infinite world of choices available to us now. We just need to pick something else.

  • Windows 10. Last time I used Windows at home was in January. I’ve completely de-googled and was looking to get rid of as much privacy invasion as I could.

    So what’s your reasoning for the change to the reliable and funni penguin OS?

    I sold my laptop and was waiting for a good deal on PC parts. I was using my Steam Deck as my full time PC and had a really good experience. Decided to try Linux full time on the new PC.

    Honestly, I’ve tried Linux many times previously (last was a year prior) and could never get over troubleshooting problems. The online community helped sometimes. Other times they told me go look up how to compile my own drivers and I got stuck. I would say the whole reason I’ve been able to change permanently has been down to AI. Now when I get stuck, ChatGPT just tells me how to fix a problem in 2 or 3 commands. Once the initial setup was done and I solved the setup problems, I don’t have to go back to AI at all anymore.