Transit card is linked to your credit card which is linked to your identity. Unless you pay cash and obtain a new cars/pass each time.
Transit card is linked to your credit card which is linked to your identity. Unless you pay cash and obtain a new cars/pass each time.
Same here. That works well for desktop, they also have an electron app that wraps their web ui into a desktop app and it works well enough. Bridge works very well for any other desktop app you’d want to use.
The only trouble is that on mobile your option is their app or the web interface, no ability to use alternative apps. The mobile app is good, but not great.
Overall its a good service and I’m happy bit you need to know these limitations going in or it could be frustrating.
Its a fair point, and definitely worth pointing out. They aren’t as bad as the others in that very specific way, which is commendable for now while it suits them. The moment they can make more money by selling vs. holding your data, I have no doubts they will pivot.
I was just nodding along, reading your post thinking, yup, agreed. Until I saw there was a PR to fix it that signal ignored, that seems odd and there must be some mitigating circumstances on why they haven’t merged it.
Otherwise that’s just inexcusable.
What do you get, app/feature wise for verified boot vs. Play integrity app? Does it increase the amount of apps that work on it?