It is possible to replace them, with a little research. Or just taking them to a phone repair shop if you’re too anxious for that
It is possible to replace them, with a little research. Or just taking them to a phone repair shop if you’re too anxious for that
This is great info, thank you so much! That definitely gives me more things to consider
Damn, that really sucks, I’m sorry :(
Very interesting, thanks!
I do agree that the lack of a headphone jack absolutely kills me. It’s a reason I haven’t pulled the trigger either way on a new phone yet. On the one hand, I want a secure degoogled phone that maintains a lot of functionality with GOS. On the other, I want a modern phone with a headphone jack a la Sony. I go back and forth constantly.
Have people forgotten about the used market? Buying things second hand is the way.
Why not buy a used one? I plan on picking one up from ebay or something.
Would you mind elaborating?
Idk how unprecedented it is, it’s happening in Oklahoma too, unfortunately