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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • As it seems your goal when applying the activity of thinking is to travel the realms of mind and soul. Mine is to understand the world so I can change it for the better. As long as this persist, we will have different opinions. Not genuinly because of truth, but because of why we decide to think.

    Have a nice day though.

  • What you talk about is a mechanistic kind of materialism, basically the over the top variant in wich the other side of the dialectics get lost.

    And yes, things came into existence for no reason and no cause. Big bang, evolution, emergence of culture. No reason, no plan, no mechanistic predictable process, no god, no teleological history. Just interplay of material and ideas.

    “Male = objective” is idealist, since it doesnt understand the interplay of the politics of gender

  • No you got that mixed up. Materialism (sometimes called neo-materialism) is well compatible with the constructivist arguments you are referring to.

    It just says the world of ideas develops dialectical with the world of things and acts.

    Idealists imagine ideas to have their own realm of existence with a mystical source of power, indepentend from said dialectic.

  • All of y’all need to get into the original meaning of that word. Radical basically just means “take a problem by it’s roots”.

    The interesting part is what type of society/politics makes that some kind of slur.

    Materialism is thinking of things and their development on the grounds of history and causality, like a play of material and its organisational emergent forms (like ideas and their neurons). Whereas Idealism means imagining some kind of methaphysical structure or idea behind thins, like a god or ghost (Geist, Hegel, Kant…).

    Utopia refers to an imagined, but possible world. When well done/thought, it is what you think and feel about how things could be. By definition this seems impossible regarding the currwnt state of affairs, and utopia will never come put as you imagined it. History is too complex for that. It is still necessary to be able to think utopia somewhat, otherwise one cannot hope and everything is eiter determined or irrelevant.