No, the industry consensus is actually that open source tends to be more secure. The reason C++ is a problem is that it’s possible, and very easy, to write code that has exploitable bugs. The largest and most relevant type of bug it enables is what’s known as a memory safety bug. Elsewhere in this thread I linked this:
Which says 70% of exploits in chrome were due to memory safety issues. That page also links to this article, if you want to learn more about what “memory safety” means from a layperson’s perspective:
In simple terms, they just don’t allow you to write code that would be unsafe in those ways. There are different ways of doing that, but it’s difficult to explain to a layperson. For one example, though, we can talk about “out of bounds access”.
Suppose you have a list of 10 numbers. In a memory unsafe language, you’d be able to tell the computer “set the 1 millionth number to be ‘50’”. Simply put, this means you could modify data you’re not supposed to be able to. In a safe language, the language might automatically check to make sure you’re not trying to access something beyond the end of the list.