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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • For anyone dipping their toes into Linux for the first time Ubuntu is by far and large the best place for them to start.

    This was true maybe 10 years ago but not any more.

    For example, the default gnome desktop is terrible. You have to install gnome tweaks to adjust anything. It requires some Chrome plugin… It’s an impossible chore for a n00b to increase the font size. Likewise with other simple adjustments.

  • How are communism and fascism the same? What definitions are you using?

    AFAIK communism advocates for a stateless, classless, moneyless society, while fascism advocates for imperial nationalism and the violent class hierarchies of capitalism, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc.

    They seem much more like opposites under the standard definitions. I don’t understand doublespeak.

  • After like 20 years of ubuntu, I got so sick of their bulllshit that I switched to Debian a few months ago. It’s endlessly better.

    I still have ubuntu on a raspberry pi(hole). Whenever I login to update, I get this message about “premium updates” or whatever they call it. It makes me want to barf but I haven’t motivated to switch the pi yet.

  • Excellent explanation (and disclaimer). I might just add another 2 cents…

    It’s not just that “the market fails” to account for many “externalities”, but also that the market is systemically incapable of ever accounting for very many, very important externalities.

    IE. The space of externalities >>> the market space. For example if the market priced in the suffering of labor (by paying living wages+, etc), that alone might make the market unaffordable. Similarly with climate justice, etc. The exploitation of these externalities is largely the basis of “profit”.