The main challenge with filling in neighborhoods is adding the addresses.

Adding the buildings is not so bad if the houses are mostly rectangles and only a couple sizes; copy/paste is pretty quick. Labeling other properties is similarly straightforward. However, adding hundreds of unique addresses is prohibitively tedious! I currently have to click on a single house, click on the address field, check the address, enter the address, then repeat for the next house. This is not so bad until it’s repeated 100s (or 1000s) of times.

PLEASE tell me I’m just being foolish and there is an easy way to scroll through multiple selected buildings to enter the same field in each! I’m picturing something like: select all houses, enter first address, HOTKEY TO NEXT HOUSE, enter next address. Not only would it remove several steps, but also remove manual mouse clicks which require diverting attention. If I could do this, I could have a list of addresses and zip through an entire area pretty quickly without losing my place constantly looking back and forth.

  • gedaliyah@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Yes, you can copy and paste, but it is even easier to use the dropdown. It will automatically give options that match surrounding labels such as street name, city, state, zip, etc., and of course selecting and editing multiple buildings is relatively easy. (not sure if JOSM does this but the web editor does)

    The part that is slowing me down is getting quickly from the “housenumber” field on one house to the “housenumber” field on the next house. It has to be done one at a time because they are unique - and typing is faster than copy/paste for this. At present, I am having to mouseover and click on each house and then re-select the housenumber field; trivial for a small number, but adds up when repeated 100s or 1000s of times.