Can this be tied to progress so that it could convey more information about progress of KDE loading?
Probably. It’s a super simple splash. Should be easy to modify.
I got inspired and made a similar effect is desmos
f(theta, t) = 0.1 max(cos(theta + t), 0)^2 sin(8 theta) r = 1 + f(theta, t) r = 1 - f(theta, t) where: 0 <= theta <= 2 pi t = 0 where: 0 <= t < 2 pi
It’s not quite right though, the
sin(8 theta)
part needs to phase shift, but basing it off oft
messes up the perfect loop.At that point I would reach for code, which also lets you save the animation. Using something like p5.js ( you can easily draw graphics and save each frame as its own image
That is awesome.
Stolen, thank you
Can’t steal it if it’s free.
Love the file description
I was having some issues figuring out why it wasn’t working 😅. Thought if anyone downloaded the broken ones this would be the message they would want to see.
Very cool. How did you make it?
It’s a very old gif that’s been floating around the internet for a while. I then tweaked it to make it a better splash screen. It’s a super simple splash screen so feel free to look into the code and mess around. Should be a breeze.
Should be a breeze
I was going to say, I’ve definitely seen this before. I distinctly remember using this gif as the boot animation on my old custom-rommed Nexus 6 forever ago
Any idea on the original source?
I don’t know, it’s been years. I probably found it by googling “loading gifs” or something
Much sinusoid, very wave
It’s genius. It’s an optical illusion isn’t it?
I don’t think it’s an illusion, just mesmerizing.
Oooh, I like it a lot, I might end up using it in a game or smth, too 🤔
Thanks for sharing it with the world! It is really cool.
I think the original creator has been lost to the bowels of the internet. But if the original creator ever does show up just keep it in mind I can’t grant you permission to use it. Then again it’s so simple it might not be up to copyright, I don’t know.
Just want you to know if you are going to use it for a game 👍
Ah, good to know, I was just glossing over it and saw the CC0 in the info. I think for something like this, that shouldn’t be much of a problem (especially for the original use-case of a Plasma splash screen) - but of course it’s a bit risky, as soon as you get into more complex works, and them potentially being re-used after you publish them - where people that put it online orgininally, did so with more complex CC licenses, or no public licensing at all.
Just as a heads-up in general. I, personally, think it’s better to err on the side of being creative when sharing things - but the reality is, of course, that with a bit of bad luck, licensing stuff can get quite complicated down the road. (Highly doubtful for something like this, though)
This is dope man. What all did you use to make it?