I know, its not really something with privacy but, I want to get people more involved in or getting more interest in privacy, and maybe advertise for privacy with stickers. Well mostly to give to people and to stick on my laptop. Do you know some website (in the EU) where to get those?
https://shop.eff.org/collections/stickers (not EU, but ships worldwide)
“I Do Not Consent to the Search of this Device” This feels like the opposite of a good sticker.
You might have to go with stickers of privacy projects. I know there are some in the Monero community. But I don’t know about others.
Wouldn’t this just draw attention to your yourself and cause the opposite problem?
Thats actually one of my concerns, but that would be more relevant if I choose to show which service I use like mail or SOME… I just want some stickers with catchy text about why privacy matters.
Maybe you find something you like here: https://fsfe.org/contribute/spreadtheword.en.html
Learn Linux TV has some stickers related to FOSS and self-hosted sofware. It also helps support a great learning resource.
I haven’t been able to find a dedicated shop for this. Wanna start one?
Actually no bad idea
Hey, I came across this site today which sells FOSS merch (including stickers) and thought of you:
Oh thank you!
I want stickers too but have struggled to find the ones I want (FOSS software and privacy/digital rights organisations). I do have access to low-cost sticker printing though. I thought a nice setup would be to start an online shop selling these kinds of stickers and use to proceeds to cover the cost of printing + running the shop and to send money to the developers of the applications/organisations.
Thank you for youre suggestions. Like one here commentet, inst it drawing more attention to med with thoese stickers? What do youThink?