What’s your favourite to use? Mine is Fish due to its ease of use and user friendly approach.
Bash is the pepperoni of shell tools being reliable in every field no matter what but I’ve moved to Fish as I wanted to try something different.
So what’s your shell of choice?
Zsh works for me
Plus oh-my-zsh and the powerline 10k theme - this is my go-to shell.
Pure theme ftw
Not because it’s the best or even my favourite. Just because I create so many ephemeral VMs and containers that code switching isn’t worth it for me.
bash is so ubiquitous that I never considered anything else.
I know I’m a heretic but I’m a huge powershell fan. Once you work with an object-oriented shell you’ll wonder why you’ve dealt with parsing text for so long. Works great on Linux, MacOS and Windows, it’s open source, reads and writes csv, json and xml natively, native web and rest service support, built-in support for remote computing and parallel processing and extensive libraries for just about anything you can think of. It takes a little getting used to but it’s worth it.
Zsh + oh-my-zsh
I really like fish because it has excellent contextual autocomplete based on the folder you’re in. I haven’t used any other shell that was as good at it.
Fish, without a doubt.
I have been enjoying fish a lot over the last few months, but I generally try to use Bash, it makes cross-*NIX administration that much easier.
Definitely fish. It does everything i need out of the box. To achieve the same with zsh, i needed a dozen plugins on top of a plugin manager. Here, in satisfied with just Starship as custom prompt.
That said, i’ve been trying nushell recently. Don’t really think it’s for me, but it is pretty interesting
Fish for interactive shell. “It depends” for scripting, but usually ends up Bash since it is the NixOS default.
I use mainly fish and occasionally nushell.
Fish shell. I switched to fish ages ago, back when I didn’t know much bash scripting. Now I am just so used to it that I don’t wanna switch back. Plus it just works.
Fellow Fish user here! 👋🏻