I see a lot of options on Fdroid. Which one do you guys like the most?
I never had luck with the Foss ones besides Revolution. For paid I liked CoreIRC
quassel and quasseldroid. its client-server, always on irc connectivity but does require a little setup.
you can access irc servers (if acceptable) and the quassel daemon via Tor. might just the way you think about irc.
Alternatively there is weechat. I haven’t tried them back to back so I can’t tell you which one I like better
I used both for years but always preferred weechat with the nicklist enabled and at the top, so that it didn’t break urls or selecting multi-line text. Although the nicklist feature is moot for huge irc channels the ui and user experience is overall better with weechat in my opinion.
when I used IRC i used thelounge. it was great as an IRC client. ive since moved on to Matrix but if i were to go back to IRC id probably use thelounge again.
In my opinion Revolution is the best
If you can host thelounge on your LAN and access it over VPN on the go, it makes for a very nice IRC experience.
Otherwise, ssh (termux or whatever) to your irc host running irssi or weechat
Most of them (besides weechat-android and quasseldroid which use bouncers/relays) seem to have fallen out of maintenance; Goguma appears to be currently maintained and updated as a pure standalone client and would be what I’d recommend trying first.