Homeownership on the web is highly analogous to the physical world. Modern homeownership is mostly a story of home-rentership, not real ownership.
Incredibly, this matches the online experience, even though the World Wide Web has an infinite amount of real-estate!
You deserve a home on the web that’s built to keep you safe; a magical place for virtual living that‘s yours for life, existing in a sociable web.
(Now stealth-releasing Weird v0.2 🥷)
Would love to hear about it when it’s out!
Thank you!
I’ll post about it here when it’s fixed.
If you want to check it out in the meantime you can check this out.
Just reading through the steps there is a lot to get set up and sharing. You may need to consider simplification to on board more people. Looks like it could be put into a Docker container for setup. Did you want a hand with that?