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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • One of the key features of capitalism is that it keeps the masses in service. When we’re working to make the CEOs rich we don’t have time to rally against them. They make us complicit in the system. It’s why they try and pay talent as little as possible. Sometimes the same amount as someone who slacks off all day. Because the longer it takes us to retire the longer we’ll be in service to them. Once there’s nothing for us to do anymore, my hope is that people will realize that the rich and powerful don’t deserve to hold the keys to society. My fear is that corps will slowly transition everyone into mindless drones hitting a “Do my job, AI” button all day and nothing will change.

  • So AI is invalidating capitalism because it’s showing that people’s value shouldn’t be tied to what they can produce… And you’re mad at that too? It’s so weird to me to see people mad that AI is not allowing them to participate in capitalism when they themselves have a dislike for capitalism. Like… I understand the immediate problem is because of AI… but it’s highlighting so beautifully the main problem of capitalism. Which is the real problem.

    AI is like the climate change of the economy. We all knew automation was coming and would be the death knell for capitalism. But now that it’s one or the other, people are choosing capitalism because it’s what they know. Even people that are still outspoken anti-capitalist! What we should be fighting for is more open sourced models and AI projects.