What?? „Stands for the Little guys“
Are you fucking tripping?!
What?? „Stands for the Little guys“
Are you fucking tripping?!
Aka busybox in disguise 🥸
Who uses snaps except Ubuntu crowd?!
This is very good to hear 😊
Congratulations! You just made a big present for your parents 😄👌🏻
Hu? You don’t need to type root password to load a kernel module automatically , do you?
I mean, do you have to type the root pw if you plug in a wifi dongle that requires an out-of-tree module?
As far as I understand, you have to type root pw only for installation and update of the module and, depending on distribution, even that is not really visible since you type root pw to install tons of stuff all the time.
😆I see
I think I would run Arch on such a device
I just learned that this resolution resulted from 4:3 screens which got some wideness added to reach 16:9 from an awesome person in this comment thread 😊
Ahh, I see, they took the 4:3 Standard screen and let it grow to 16:9, that makes a lot of sense 😃
I am to young for knowing 4:3 resolutions 😆
Sure, just never saw this numbers for resolution, ever 😆
1366x768 ?? WTF
Yea, I did not phrase it well enough 😂 I just don’t want to be supervised by these large phone OS giants, because they think it is more convenient
What do you mean with QEMU? Are you running a Linux VM on your android phone?
😏I see what you did there, myriad is awesome
I’m thinking about crafting a phone out if a raspberry compute module (so I can upgrade my device easy with new computing modules released)
I want to add a battery, a modem, a touchscreen and a usb-PD port with video out compatibility
Maybe a little cam to scan documents as well…
They just use really low spec hardware…
I would pay more than 1000$ at this point for a modern high DPI open device with mobile internet compatibility and all drivers in mainline kernel. Just give me good hardware, I can handle the software on my on, tank you 🤭
Well, the other cloud services just did server side csam scan long before apple and they do it respecting your privacy less than apple.
Apple wanted to improve the process like EU wants it, so that no illegal data can be uploaded to apple’s servers making them responsible. That is why they wanted to scan on devices.
But any person who ever used spotlight in the last 4 years should have recognised how they find pictures with words. This is nothing new, apple photos is analysing photos with AI since a very long time.
Yea! I’m interested, I did not see that coming…