If yhe person running the show shows poor judgment in whose company they keep, where else have they had poor judgement?
If yhe person running the show shows poor judgment in whose company they keep, where else have they had poor judgement?
Remember when businesses stayed the fuck out of politics
Damn dude. I swear I can’t wait for AI to program everything so I don’t have to keep track of the shitty things people do because we are a shit species.
It’s not your party.
The Alphabet Boys are tired of lurking in the shadows. They have Trump (and more) dead to rights on 10,000 times worse shit then what is public and they sit on their hands.
The intelligence community wants what is coming. Do not hesitate to judge them as they have already judged you.
Your Facebook profile is probably uploaded to some automated killing machine already for purging. Someone just needs to execute the program.
No idea how one would address that
Crush them with the bipartisan police state of course!
You seem sad that others are voicing their struggles to survive. A choice you personally make by not blocking people that voice their experiences with capitalism.
Block them. Ignore their pleading into the void. All is well. Nothing to see here. Move along. Pay your rent. Pay your health insurance premium. Invest in the stock market. Pickup this can.
We are doing fine. Don’t overthink lemmy.
People go where they want, Block what they will. Share what they share.
What else do you need? We aren’t driven by shareholders to infinitely grow. Instances/communities/users will come and go, but lemmy is forever. It’s just going to get better from here till we get a “TikTok ban” from big brother. Enjoy the ride.
Oops didn’t mean to! /$
Hey it’s me, your alt account.
I relent, I need to switch. the proposed bullshit has gotten to much for even me, the world’s laziest man.
Just a lazy man in a worky world. Should have been born a Limited Liability Corporation.
I don’t speak no computer only ungabunga.
Tell my landed lord.
Sooner the Soviets I guess. A shame there was no peace to see what could have been.
Same as it ever was.
Maybe next life then. Appreciate your efforts.
Appreciate the reply m’dude.
Consider posting the text of the article in the comment section if you feel so strongly about this.
Yeah, you can turn the PC off
For now.
I like copy-pasta, and you got a good recipe, but I’ve been temp/perma banned to often to use it anymore these days. It being highly relevant didn’t help me in the past.
Consider linking to your previous comment you’ve already made in the future. Perhaps those with delicate senses would clutch their pearls slightly less. Not that they matter.
Appreciate you stranger. Peace.
I hope people spread out, but I also hope that tools for viewing the fediverse keep being developed so people don’t feel so fragmented and feel pressured to join big instances.
Like say each instance had a similarly named community, and you could browse the community locally and across all other instance communities with the same name. Much like there is a local and all button at the top.